
Colorectal surgery

Podcast 4: Inherited colorectal cancer

Professor Sue Clark, consultant surgeon at St Mark’s and the director of the polyposis registry gives a fascinating overview of the genetics of colorectal cancer.

Publishing Date: 12 April 2019
Podcast 3: Anal fistula, part 2

Part 2 of 2: In the second instalment of this podcast on Anal Fistula, Mr Phil Tozer discusses the modern management options.

Publishing Date: 29 March 2019
Podcast 2: Anal fistula, part 1

Part 1 of 2: Join us for our second episode as our host Mr Peter McDonald interviews fellow St Mark’s colorectal consultant Mr Phil Tozer. In this two-part series they discuss all aspects of the work-up and management of anal fistula. Perfect for MRCS or FRCS revision!

Publishing Date: 15 March 2019
Podcast 1: CME and robotic surgery

Join us for our first ever episode of the St Mark’s Hospital Podcast! Our first guest St Mark’s consultant Colorectal surgeon Mr Danilo Miskovic. He joins our host Mr Peter McDonald to discuss complete mesocolic excision. As a world recognised practitioner in CME Mr Miskovic takes us through the fundamental principles, evidence and technique of this exciting new procedure. Perfect for any trainee or surgeon with an interest in Colorectal Surgery!

Publishing Date: 6 March 2019
Find a consultant
Mr Akash Mehta

Mr Akash Mehta is a Consultant Colorectal Surgeon at St Mark’s Hospital. He qualified in Medicine at Leiden University in Leiden, the Netherlands and subsequently trained in surgery at VU Medical Centre in Amsterdam, with an elective rotation in Surgical Oncology at the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Center in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He successfully completed senior clinical fellowships in advanced colorectal surgery at the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam (peritoneal …

Publishing Date: 1 January 0001
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Mr Anthony Antoniou

Anthony spent two years in full time research at The Institute of Liver Studies at King’s College Hospital, London, where he was awarded his MS degree. He was a Senior Registrar at King’s College Hospital and completed his training at St Mary’s Hospital as a laparoscopic fellow. Anthony was then appointed as a Senior Clinical Lecturer at The Institute of Cancer Research with an honorary colorectal consultancy at both The Royal Marsden Hospital and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

Publishing Date: 1 January 0001
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Mr Ashish Sinha

Mr Ashish Sinha is a Consultant Colorectal and General Surgeon and an Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer Department of Surgery and Cancer at Imperial College, London. Mr Ashish Sinha qualified in medicine from the University of Nottingham and did his surgical specialisaton in London and the Southeast of England. His area of clinical interest is colorectal surgery including surgical management of colorectal cancer, IBD and General Surgery. Mr Sinha has a special interest in inherited colorectal …

Publishing Date: 1 January 0001
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Mr Danilo Miskovic

He has authored over seventy publications and book chapters and holds a PhD in laparoscopic colorectal surgery training from Imperial College London. He has an active research interest in surgical education, quality in colorectal cancer surgery and surgical technology. He completed his surgical training in Zurich/Switzerland and has permanently moved to the UK in 2007. After training as a registrar in Surrey and completion of the PhD in London, he had subspecialist training in minimally-invasive …

Publishing Date: 1 January 0001
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Mr Gregory Thomas

Mr Gregory Thomas is a consultant colorectal surgeon at St Mark’s Hospital. He has a specialist interest in pelvic floor disorders, abdominal wall hernia, proctology and other areas of benign colorectal pathology. He qualified from Imperial College School of Medicine (St Mary’s Hospital) in 2003 with distinction in surgery and an intercalated BSc from Imperial College, London. His basic surgery training was undertaken in the northwest London region with further specialist training in southwest …

Publishing Date: 1 January 0001
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Mr Ian Jenkins

Ian Jenkins trained in Coloproctology/ Surgical Oncology in the West of Scotland and St. Mark’s Hospital. He studied at the University of Glasgow and spent two years in post-graduate research at the University Department of Surgery, Western Infirmary, Glasgow. He is a high volume laparoscopic Colorectal Surgeon with interests in Colon and Rectal Cancer, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Enhanced Recovery with an evolving interest in Complex & Recurrent Cancer. His interests centre on improving …

Publishing Date: 1 January 0001